The Partners

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    Zespół Szkół Ogólnkształcących, Nidzica, Poland

    Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych is located in Nidzica, in the north-eastern part of Poland. It is a general secondary, public, non-profit school where about 450 students aged 14 – 19 study. We offer profiled classes with advanced Maths, Sciences, Humanities and Foreign Languages.

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    Hermann Hesse-Gymnasium, Calw, Germany

    We are school for secondary education, with about 680 students. Our students all come from the surrounding area, they learn English as their first foreign language, then can choose between French and Latin. Starting in the 8th form they can select one of three profiles: Italian, Technology and Sciences and Music. We are a voluntary all-day school and offer a wide range of activities outside normal classes: theatre, orchestra and choir, sports activities, biology, creativity and technics.

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    Τhe 2nd upper secondary school of Nea Ionia-Volos is located in the Nea Ionia suburb of the town of Volos in central Greece. Our school is a general secondary school with 32 stuff and almost 300 student. Age range of our students is from 14-15 to 18 years.

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    Súkromná obchodná akadémia, Žilina, Slovakia

    We are private business academy in Žilina in the north of Slovakia. We offer secondary education in two fields: commerce and regional tourism management. We have a total of 198 daily students and 19 teachers. In addition, since 1996 we offer external form of studies in the field of commerce.

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    Institut Guillem Catà, Manresa, Catalonia

    We are public secondary school in Manresa, near Barcelona.
    On offer are compulsory secondary education (12-16 years old) as well as post compulsory education (16+), and we also have vocational training courses in health services, personal image, trade and commerce and community services. We have a total of 950 students.
    Our most important objective, among others, is to prepare our students for a highly demanding society within the framework of European values of democracy, solidarity and equality.

Our project partners were chosen based on:

  • previous Comenius project “From being a citizen of a country to being a citizen of EU” carried on among some of the partners, resulting in efficient and successful cooperation.
  • looking for partners on social networking sites devoted to finding Erasmus Plus project partners and eTwinning network.

Partners will bring the following experiences and competences to the project:

Poland: Because of our experience with previous Comenius and Youth in Action projects carried out in our school, we feel fully competent and prepared to coordinate the work of all the partners. Our school cooperates with many institutions, including small local businesses and companies. One of them is “Pottery Village” in Kamionka, a non-profit organization that specializes in supporting people from rural areas in starting and managing their own businesses. They can offer us assistance with organizing workshops concerning various aspects of entrepreneurial education.  Our teaching staff has experience in implementing and managing regional, national and international projects, motivating students to become active members of society on both local and European level.

Germany: For almost 10 years, we have had a course on economics, with entrepreneurial skills as one of the main curricular topics. We also have altogether 26 partners that help us in our economic education. They define projects that our students work on, enable internships for our students and support us through their know-how and infrastructure. Finally,  we have already formed 3 businesses at school, one of which has existed for ten years.  The project would give us a chance for an additional framework where both our international exchanges and our activities in economy could be matched.

Greece: The Greek school has established long  cooperation in the implementation of various national and European projects in the field of entrepreneurship. Best example is the implementation of a Leonardo- Transfer of Innovation project which successfully transfered know-how from Spain to Greece and other countries in the field of promotion of entrepreneurship among young students in this difficult time of European and global economic crisis. Our school has also carried out an extensive project in developing entrepreneurial skills in our students.

Slovakia: There are two main fields of study at our school, commerce and regional tourism management, both of which are connected to the project topic. The school curriculum involves subjects such as Management, Marketing, Economy, Accounting, Administration and Correspondence, Business English, Project Preparation, etc. Our students can also choose a voluntary subject Students’ Firm where they can gain experience with setting up a company, its managing, promoting and problem solving. They are taught how to cooperate with other students, how to be creative and motivated for the fulfillment of given tasks and how to deal with the basic duties related to the company objectives. Relying on the abovementioned experience, our school could be a good adviser in the course of fulfilling the project tasks. Our teachers could provide the participating students and teachers with some know-how in the field of entrepreneurship and the topics connected to it. This way the project’s purpose is supported by our experience in this field.

Spain: Institut Guillem Catà has just had experience in one previous Comenius Project but we still think that we could contribute to this project with our expertise in other areas. For example, our school offers Marketing and Tourism Vocational Studies (tertiary level), which are both relevant to our project, and has a team of very competent teachers that are willing to get involved. We can also offer our expertise in Quality Management and assessment. Besides, as the school also offers a wide range of different vocational studies, we have a vast net of partner bussiness and enterprises who cooperate with us regularly.

Description of the project and its main objectives:

Entrepreneurship education practice at schools for a long time has been neglected, or at least not treated with appropriate attention.  It has often been unstructured and varied in quality. As a result, the European Union emphasized  its importance with the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs (Lisbon European Council 2000 and 2005), which stressed the necessity of supporting educational and career choices as well as  entrepreneurship education in schools and colleges by the member countries.

According to the survey conducted among the students of our school, 40,7% of girls and 47% of boys do not know how to plan their future educational and career choices. They lack the knowledge of how to go about finding a job, write a CV or covering letter or prepare for a job interview. They also don’t know how to start and manage their own business, advertise it and work in a team. Not having all these necessary skills and knowledge severely limits the students’ future career options and  increases their potential unemployability. This in turn leads to the poor quality of life for individuals and negatively impacts the economy of the region. To prevent all this, it is essential for students to gain entrepreneurial skills, to develop key competences, to become  prepared for the competition in the work environment and to gain tools to be the citizens of the European Union. Students from different countries were working with the same European tools and use common language, just as most transnational companies in modern world do.

Students from participating countries had to realise that they needed to start investing in their personal and professional development, in order to become self-sufficient participants in the global labour market.

The main objectives of our project were:

  • equipping students with necessary entrepreneurial skills in the areas of successful job searching, professional development and starting and running their own businesses;
  • teaching students flexibility, creativity and self-confidence as both future employers and employees;
  • improving their IT skills while working with modern technologies and technological devices;
  • developing creative thinking and problem-solving;
  • improving team-building and motivational competences;
  • starting cooperation and strenghtening existing links between the local businesses and schools participating in the project;
  • improving the teachers’ competences in the areas of teaching entrepreneurship, IT skills, use of foreign languages;
  • improving language skills, especially in the field of Business English;
  • raising cultural awareness among both teachers and students;
  • making young people realise that despite our cultural diversities, we are a part of global economy, which gives us many possibilities to participate in transnational labour market;


The main aim of our project, concerning the EU priorities, was to improve the learning process at our schools and, mainly, to contribute to a closer connection between the education and the labour market. Thus, the mentioned learning, teaching and training activities  represented an important means contributing to fulfilling the project tasks in a way that they will help us to:

1) Support the quality and innovation in educational processes:
The entrepreneurial studies and all the theoretical business knowledge are a good basis when someone wants to become a successful businessman. For that reason, the participating countries were ready to share all the knowledge referring to this field of study highlighting the improvement of quality of education and implementing some new innovative educational methods and materials. The students were led to use the well-established business oriented web pages, data projectors and other types of modern information technologies, tablet and smartphone applications, all in order to support a high quality and innovative educational approach.

2) Support the cooperation and reciprocal exchange of learning and teaching knowledge and experiences:
The participating countries shared the learning and teaching knowledge and experiences and decided on some common business lesson plans which are be used not only in the Entrepreneurship Clubs, but also as teaching aids during Entrepreneurship classes. This way, the teachers and students of all involved countries had to cooperate and simultaneously prepare for the particular project meetings (focused on specific entrepreneurial topics) where they worked together in mixed groups and prepare the specific products of the meeting. This way, the communication and the information exchange was done not only through the internet, but also personally during the short-term project meetings.

3) Get the recognition and validation of all obtained competencies and skills.
After each short term exchange all the students taking part in it received a certificate confirming what he/she had learned, which skills he/she had gained or improved etc. In addition, the participating students  included all the obtained knowledge, skills and competencies into their EuropassCVs.

4) Develop the entrepreneurial thinking and skills:
During every short-term project meeting all the participants (students and teachers) had an opportunity to get to know the local businesses, get acquainted with their know-how in the field and then, after returning to their countries, the had an opportunity to include the obtained knowledge in the work of their Entreneurship Clubs as well as to apply it in the future entrepreneurial tasks. Moreover, the students, under the supervision of their teachers and local experts in the given field, had to complete the given tasks aimed to develop their entrepreneurial skills and thinking. Every project meeting allowed the students from the participating countries to cooperate, share their knowledge, compete in fulfilling the specific tasks and compare the products of their work with the rest of the participants. The students  learned how to manage teamwork, how to distribute tasks among the team members, how to plan an activity and follow all the steps in order to accomplish the set goals. These learning/teaching/training activities  meant a remarkable contribution in the process of preparation and education of the young entrepreneurs.

5) Share the capacities of all involved institutions following especially the informal learning.
All the participating schools shared their capacities and experiences during the students’ exchanges in order to secure the most productive meetings for all: the teachers and the students. An emphasis was put on informal learning, which was conducted during all the workshops and meetings with the selected local companies. Through some practical meetings with the foreign businessmen and personal cooperation among the foreign participants on given tasks the students learnt much more than just through the internet cooperation (social networks, emails, etc.).
